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Friday, 4 June 2010

Initial weeks, days three through five

One thing is certain - we're not lacking in things to do and stuff to learn. They keep us going from 0730 to 2030 and beyond - every single day. Mostly briefs, but also more hands on work.

Wednesday evening we had the official course opening at Løiten Brenneri - the old, local distillery. A decent enough dinner followed by a reenactment / show / walk through of the actual still. Quite instructive and rather fun, in particular the part covering the prohibition

Thursday was set aside - for the most part - for CAC, or Conduct After Capture. We've come a long way from the name-number-rank I was taught when I first trained... but then the focus has shifted from conventional war to a more, how to put it, fluid situation. Thankfully it wont really apply for me in Sudan - the danger there is crime, not crazy fundies.

Today we're going to have yet more briefs before allowed home for the weekend. I'm looking forward to that.

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